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Current report No. 1/2016

Legal basis: Article 70 Clause 1 of the Offering Act


The Board of Directors of Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego "PEPEES" S.A. (“the Company”) hereby notifies that, today, they received a notification (sent by fax on 2 January 2016) from DEMEXX Polska Sp. z o.o. based on Lublin (“DEMEXX”), regarding the sale, on 29 December 2015, of 6,398,731 shares of the Company as a result of the settlement of an agreement made outside the regulated market.
Prior to the change, DEMEXX had held 6,398,731 shares of the Company, representing 6.7355 % of the Company's share capital and 6.7355 % of the total number of votes at the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders.
Following the aforementioned change, DEMEXX does not hold any shares of the Company.
The content of the said notification has been attached to this report.
Signatures of the company's representatives

President of the Board of Directors Wojciech Faszczewski 2016-01-04
Member of the Board of Directors / Chief Financial Officer Krzysztof Homenda 2016-01-04


  1. Demexx
Tue 19, January 2016 by: Szymon Janucik