Exceeding the threshold of 25% of the total number of votes by a proxy
The Board of Directors of Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego “PEPEES” S.A. (the “Company”) hereby notifies that, on 25 April 2017, they received a notice from Mr Grzegorz Maj, the proxy of the following shareholders: Mr Michał Skotnicki and Mr Maksymilian Skotnicki, empowered to represent the aforementioned shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 25 April 2017 and to exercise voting rights without a separate voting instruction from 31,095,476 shares of the Company representing 32.73% of all shares of the Company, which entitle their holders to 31,095,476 votes representing 32.73% of the total number of votes.
At the same time, the proxy has informed that, apart from representing the aforementioned shareholder, he holds 350 shares of the Company.
The notice is attached to this report.
Signatures of the Company’s representatives
President of the Board of Directors Wojciech Faszczewski 27-04-2017
Member of the Board of Directors Tomasz Rogala 27-04-2017