Conclusion of an amendment to the loan agreement
Legal Basis: Art. 17.1 of MAR - confidential (inside) information
In reference to information contained in current report No. 18/2016 concerning conclusion of amendments to loan agreements (including the amendment to the multiline agreement concluded with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A.), the Management Board of Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego PEPEES S.A. (the Company, the Issuer) informs about signing, on 10 August 2017, another amendment to the multiline agreement concluded between the Issuer and its subsidiaries, i.e. Zakłady Przemysłu Ziemniaczanego "Lublin" Sp. z o.o. (Lublin) and Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Ziemniaczanego Bronisław Sp. z o.o. (Bronisław) and the Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. based in Wroclaw. (the Amendment).
Under the Amendment to the multiline agreement, the credit limit granted to the Issuer and its subsidiaries was increased to PLN 46.5 million in such a way that working capital loan granted to the Issuer, Lublin and Bronisław currently amounts to PLN 16 million, PLN 1.5 million and PLN 8 million respectively. In relation to current account overdraft and the revolving loan, the signed Amendment has not introduced any changes. As a result, the current account overdraft granted to the Issuer, Lublin and Bronisław amounts to PLN 4 million, PLN 0.5 million and PLN 0.5 million, respectively, and the revolving loan to PLN 10 million, PLN 3 million and PLN 3 million, respectively.
Moreover, the Amendment to the multiline agreement extended the repayment date of all the aforementioned loans concluded with Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. until 31 August 2018.
Other terms of the multiline agreement did not change significantly in a way that would depart from the standard provisions used in such agreements.
Signatures of persons representing the company
President of the Management Board Wojciech Faszczewski, 2017-08-10
Member of the Management Board Tomasz Rogala, 2017-08-10