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Announcement of the Offer to Purchase Treasury Shares

Current report No. 25/2017

The Board of Directors of Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego PEPEES S.A. (‘the Company’) hereby informs about the commencement, under the authorisation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders granted by virtue of Resolution No. 24 of 25 April 2017, of the purchase by the Company of its treasury shares, and about the decision to announce, for this purpose, the offer to purchase treasury shares (‘the Offer’).

The Offer and related documents will be published on the Company’s website http://www.pepees.pl/skup-akcji-wlasnych in Investor Relations section.

The Offer will cover not more than 3,000,000 ordinary bearer shares of the Company marked with the code PLPEPES00018, accounting in total for 3.16% of the Company’s share capital and of the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders. The offered price will be PLN 1.20 per share. The Offer will be addressed to all Company shareholders. The Offer will be carried out via the Brokerage House, i.e. Dom Maklerski Banku Ochrony Środowiska S.A. The Offer will be announced on 15 November 2017. The subscriptions under the Offer will be accepted from 17 November 2017 to 4 December 2017. The expected date of the conclusion and settlement of transactions made as a result of the Offer is 8 December 2017. The Company will be entitled to withdraw from the Offer both before and after its commencement.

Specific terms and conditions and the information on the method of implementing the Offer will be presented in the Offer documentation published on the Company’s website. The Offer will not constitute a tender offer to subscribe for the sale or exchange of shares within the meaning of the Polish Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading, and Public Companies.
Signatures of the Company’s representatives

President of the Board of Directors  Wojciech Faszczewski 2017-11-15
Member of the Board of Directors  Tomasz Rogala 2017-11-15


  1. Offer
Thu 23, November 2017 by: Przemysław Modzelewski