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Notification on the change of share in the total number of votes

Current report no. 26/2017

The Management Board of PEPEES S.A. (“Company”) informs that on 1 December 2017 at 04:59 p.m., it received a notification from SATURN TFI S.A. on increase of the share of the Fund in the total number of votes in the Company, stating that Epsilon Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamkniety Aktywów Niepublicznych (Epsilon Fund) increased the holding of shares of the Company by 3,203,517 shares. Before the change of shares, the Epsilon Fund had 18,241,044 shares of the Company which constitutes 19.20% in the share capital/total number of votes of the Company. Currently, the Epsilon Fund has 21,444,561 shares of the Company which constitutes 22.57% in the share capital/total number of votes of the Company.

The full text of the notification, the Company attached to this current report.
Signatures of the persons representing the Company
President of the Management Board Wojciech Faszczewski 2017-12-04,
Member of the Management Board Tomasz Rogala 2017-12-04.

Thu 11, January 2018 by: Przemysław Modzelewski