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Consolidated Semi-Annual Report PSr 2019

First half of 2019 First half of 2018 First half of 2019 First half of 2019
Data concerning the consolidated financial statements
I. Total sales revenue 127 087 116 757 29 638 27 541
II. Net profit or loss attributable to equity holders of the parent company for the first half of the year 16 227 7 487 3 784 1 766
III. Net comprehensive income attributable to equity holders of the parent company for the first half of the year 16 209 7 633 3 780 1 800
IV. Net cash flows from operating activities for the first half of the year 56 749 38 310 13 234 9 037
V. Net cash flows from investing activities for the first half of the year (13 090) (11 067) (3 053) (2 610)
VI. Net cash flows from financing activities for the first half of the year (54 934) (48 749) (12 811) (11 499)
VII. Net cash flows for the first half of the year (11 275) (21 506) (2 629) (5 073)
VIII. Total assets as at 30.06.2019 and 31.12.2018 311 007 333 925 73 144 77 657
IX. Equity attributable to equity holders of the company as at 30.06.2019 and 31.12.2018 170 622 165 399 40 127 38 465
X. Earnings (loss) per share for the first half of the year 0,18 0,08 0,04 0,02
XI. Book value per share as at 30.06.2019 and 31.12.2018 1,80 1,74 0,42 0,40

Figures presented in lines: VIII, IX and XI, in columns “2019” and “2018” are as at 30 June 2019 and 31 December 2018. To translate the selected financial figures into EUR, the following exchange rates announced by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) have been applied:
- selected items of the interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 30.06.2019 – at the average exchange rate as at the balance sheet date: 1 EUR = PLN 4.2520;
- selected items of the interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position as at 31.12.2018 – at the average exchange rate as at the balance sheet date: 1 EUR = PLN 4.3000;
- selected items of the interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income and of the interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the period from 1 January 2019 to 30 June 2019 – at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of average exchange rates announced by the NBP and applicable on the last day of each month of the first half of 2019: EUR 1 = PLN 4.2880;
- selected items of the interim condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income and of the interim condensed consolidated statement of cash flows for the period from 1 January 2018 to 30 June 2018 – at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of average exchange rates announced by the NBP and applicable on the last day of each month of the first half of 2018: EUR 1 = PLN 4.2395.

President of the Board of Directors Wojciech Faszczewski 2019-09-13
Member of the Board of Directors Tomasz Rogala 2019-09-13

The full text of the report is available in appendices


Mon 23, September 2019 by: Przemysław Modzelewski