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Annual Report R 2015

2015 2014 2015 2014
I. Sales revenue 107 927 91 736 25 790 21 898
II. Net profit or loss 5 917 3 621 1 414 864
III. Total net income 5 905 3 242 1 411 774
IV. Net cash flow from operating activities 7 177  (15 955) 1 715 (3 890)
V. Net cash flow from investing activities (10 092) (10 119) (2 412) (2 415)
VI. Net cash flow from financing activities 20 273 9 779 4 844 2 334
VII. Total net cash flow 17 358 (16 295) 4 184 (3 890)
VIII. Total assets 196 714 161 542 46 161 37 900
IX. Equity 110 656 104 751 25 966 24 576
X. Earnings (loss) per share  0,06 0,04  0,01  0,01
XI. Total net earnings (loss) per share 0,06 0,04 0,01 0,01
XII. Book value per share                                           1,16 1,14 0,27 0,27

The full text of the report is available in appendices.

To convert the selected financial figures into EUR, the following exchange rates published by the National Bank of Poland (NBP) were applied:

- selected items of the statement of financial position as at 31.12.2015 – at the average exchange rate as at the balance sheet date: 1 EUR = 4.2615 PLN;

- selected items of the statement of financial position as at 31.12.2014 – at the average exchange rate as at the balance sheet date: 1 EUR = 4.2623 PLN;

- selected items of the statement of comprehensive income and of the statement of cash flows for the period from 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015 – at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of average exchange rates published by the NBP and applicable on the last day of each month of 2015: 1 EUR = 4.1848 PLN;

- selected items of the statement of comprehensive income and of the statement of cash flows for the period from 01.01.2014 to 31.12.2014 – at the exchange rate being the arithmetic mean of average exchange rates published by the NBP and applicable on the last day of each month of 2014: 1 EUR = 4.1893 PLN. 


Approval date: 2016-03-17

Wojciech Faszczewski President of the Board of Directors

Krzysztof Homenda Member of the Board of Directors

Mon 16, May 2016 by: Szymon Janucik