The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on 19 May 2016 –shareholders holding over 5 %
Legal basis: Article 70 Clause 3 of the Offer Act – the list of shareholders holding over 5 % of votes at the GMS
The Board of Directors of Przedsiębiorstwo Przemysłu Spożywczego “PEPEES” S.A. (the “Company”) hereby notifies that, in accordance with the list of attendance at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company held on 19 May 2016 (the “AGM”), the following shareholders held at least 5 % of the total number of votes at the AGM:
Mr Maksymilian Skotnicki: 19.532.088 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 19.532.088 votes at the AGM, which represented 25.47 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 20.56 %.
Mr Michał Skotnicki: 8.600.000 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 8.600.000 votes at the AGM, which represented 11.22 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 9.05 %.
Epsilon FIZ AN.: 6.398.731 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 6.398.731 votes at the AGM, which represented 8.35 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 6.74 %.
Mazowiecka Korporacja Finansowa sp. z o.o.: 5,397,343 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 5,397,343 votes at the AGM, which represented 7.03 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 5.68 %.
Mr Jeffrey Robert Butcher: 4.616.971 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 4.616.971 votes at the AGM, which represented 6.02 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 4.86 %.
M7 sp. z o.o.: 4.149.014 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 4.149.014 votes at the AGM, which represented 5.41% of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 4.37 %.
Navigator Trade Limited: 3,887,917 ordinary bearer shares that entitled their holder to 3,887,917 votes at the AGM, which represented 5.07 % of the votes at the AGM; the percentage share in the total number of votes of the Company on the date of the AGM: 4.09 %.
On the date of the AGM, the total number of votes from all outstanding shares of the Company was 95,000,000 votes. Shareholders representing the total of 76,676,616 votes, i.e. 80.71 % of the total number of votes on the date of the AGM, participated in the AGM.
Signatures of the Company's representatives
President of the Board of Directors Wojciech Faszczewski 2016-05-23
Member of the Board of Directors / Chief Financial Officer Krzysztof Homenda 2016-05-23